On the morning of December 5, the eighth expanded meeting of the Second Council of China Welfare Institute Nursing Home was held at the Shanghai Soong Ching Ling Foundation. All the members of CWI Nursing Home Council were present at the meeting, and all the supervisors, members of its Management Committee and staff representatives attended the meeting. The Meeting considered the adoption of the revision of "CWI Nursing Home Charter", overall plan for reconstruction and expansion of the new building in CWI Nursing Home as well as revision procedure and document management standard of internal control system. The Second Council elected a new board member by secret ballot and decided that Xu Dexin would continue to serve as Chairman of the Third Council. The first meeting of the Third CWI Nursing Home Council was held that afternoon. The meeting considered and adopted the "CWI Nursing Home 2018-2020 Development Plan" and considered the adoption of 15 management systems and leadership candidates for Nursing Home.