On September 5, 2019, Mrs. Huang Huanbi, wife of Israel Epstein, a well-known international journalist and writer, visited the Shanghai Soong Ching Ling Foundation.
Mrs. Xu Dexin, former vice chairman of China Welfare Institute, Mr. Guo Xingmin and Mr. Hong Shengzhi, former deputy secretary general of China Welfare Institute, Mrs. Zou Wei, executive vice chairman of SSCLF, Mrs. Shen Haiping and Mr. Jin Shunde,former deputy secretary general of SSCLF, accompanied Mrs. Huang Huanbi to visit the former residence of Soong’s family and had a cordial discussion.
Israel Epstein was born in Poland and began to strive for Chinese revolution in 1933. He served as the editor-in-chief of “China Reconstructs”, and the vice chairman of China Welfare Institute. Entrusted by Soong Ching Ling, Epstein spent 10 years to complete her biography WOMAN IN WORLD HISTORY SOONG CHING LING (Mme. Sun Yatsen). Epstein and Soong Ching Ling’s Biography, published in 2014, was dictated by Huang Huanbi to record their everlasting friendship.
Mrs. Huang Huanbi, wife of Israel Epstein
A group photo of visiting the former residence of Soong’s family