Shanghai Soong Ching Ling Foundation receives a donation of 21.8666 million yuan to fight against COVID-19

As of 3 p.m. on April 20, 2020, Shanghai Soong Ching Ling Foundation had raised a total of 21.8666 million yuan to fight against COVID-19. Among them, we have received all donated funds of 13.4714 million yuan, and materials worth of 8.3952 million yuan. There is also a pledged donation of 6 million yuan.


In terms of funds, a total of 9.8435 million yuan has been used. According to the donors’ wishes, 7.1689 million yuan has been spent on the anti-NCP work in Hubei Province, 2.1746 million yuan was spent on Shanghai’s local prevention, and the rest 500,000 yuan was spent on the anti-NCP work in other provinces and cities.


In addition, materials worth of 8.3952 million yuan have been donated. Materials worth of 8.1122 million yuan have been distributed, among which materials worth of 1.1597 million yuan have been spent on anti-NCP works in Hubei Province, the ones worth of 6.9398 million yuan have been spent on the works in Shanghai, and the other ones worth of 12,700 yuan have been spent on works in other provinces and cities. The remaining planned materials under distribution (3,700 forehead thermometers) are worth 283,000 yuan.


At present, the main planned project expenditures include: 2.3903 million yuan for “Smoothing the Path for Going Back to School Project”; 437,600 yuan for “2020 Anti-NCP Psychological Assistance Project”; 450,000 yuan for the “Ginkgo Fellows in COVID-19 Relief Action Project”; and 350,000 yuan together with the pledged donation of 6 million yuan for the medium- and long-term projects, aiming at building capacity to respond to public health emergencies.